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Foto del escritor: VeronicaVeronica

Actualizado: 17 sept 2020

#Janmashtami celebrates the birth of Lord #Krishna on September 2.

According to the story, Lord Krishna was born at midnight as the son of #Vasudeva and #Devaki. The Lord appeared as an embodiment of #happiness and destroyed the #adharma that was prevalent in His time. He revealed the vision of the #Vedas in his teachings known as the #Bhagavad Gita. Janmashtami is celebrated on the eighth day of the dark fortnight of the month of Bhadrapada (August-September).

On this day an altar is prepared with a cradle in which a statuette of the baby Krishna is placed. Devotees recite the #Bhagavata #Purana and chant the mantra "Om namo bhagavate vasudevaya".

The celebration ends at midnight with the #Arati (# आरती) is a part of the #puja, which is a #ceremony of # adoration and the #devotion #ritual, the one in which we light camphor in a special lamp and recite a mantra or prayer to the deity. The name seems to come from # आरात्रिक which means "to remove the darkness." That is why lamps are lit and they move repeatedly around the deity or deities, these movements being circular and in a clockwise direction. But darkness does not refer to the absence of light, but to ignorance (#Avidya, अविद्य). That is why the Arati is directed to pray for spiritual enlightenment. Each of the instruments used in the bid represents an element: #Earth (through the flowers), #Water, #Fire (through the lamps), #Air (through a turkey feather) and the #mind #

purified (by incense). The order and the steps to follow within the puja represent the inner order of the mind.

Listening and singing the Arati makes us more open to the divine within us, and helps that higher aspect in us to communicate with the rest of the aspects of our being.

In South India, homes are decorated to welcome Lord Krishna. Using rice flour paste, the floor, from the entrance threshold to the puja hall, is marked with small footprints that indicate the Lord's birth and his entrance into the house. Prayers are recited, puja is performed, and butter and sweets are offered to the Lord.

In many parts of India, groups of young people enact Lord Krishna's childhood antics. They stand on the shoulder of each young man until they form a pyramid and break a clay pot full of money and sweets tied to a rope.


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