On October 29,
Today is the day we celebrate the teachings of the Sage # Patañjali #Jayanti. Patanjali is defined as the Father of Yoga, it is said in the Indian tradition that he was the first Man / Divinity who systematized this practice in the classic treatise #Yoga #Sutras or #Aphorisms, in the date 200 BC.
At the beginning of the Iyengar Yoga classes, we chant the # invocation to Patañjali to honor the ancient tradition of Yoga. #Geeta #Iyengar cited another reason for reciting this chant:
"We sing so that from the beginning that feeling of sanctification comes from within, along with the feeling of surrender, because nothing can be learned in this world unless you have the humility to learn."
Invocación a Patañjali Yogena cittasya padena vacam malam sarirasya ca vaidyakena yopakarottam pravaram muninam patanjalim pranjaliranato'smi abahu purusakaram sankha cakrasi dharinam sahasra sirasam svetam pranamami patanjalim
Let us bow down to Patañjali the noblest of sages,
Who brought serenity and sanctity of mind through his work in yoga,
clarity of speech, purity in him. speaks
and medicine for the perfection of health.
let us bow down to Patañjali, the incarnation of Adisesa,
whose upper body has a human form,
whose arms hold a shell and a disk, and
who is crowned by a thousand-headed cobra.